CASE WORK – Horizon Glow
CASE WORK – Horizon Glow
Jeg er virkelig kommet bagud hvad angår at gennemrode internettet for lækkert musik. Heldigvis er der andre der gør det for mig. Jeg er nemlig blevet gjort opmærksom på denne lille perle fra amerikanske CASE WORK. Det ser ud til at de har hjort kometkarriere for det er under en måned siden de oprettede sig på Facebook og de er allerede blevet omtalt på mange af internettets ligegyldige medier. Eksklusiv dette, men med god grund for CASE WORK er jo gode.
Download gratis MP3: CASE WORK – Horizon Glow.
Look if Y’all want ta stay here get your ROSEY colerd glsaess on; You can pick up you pair of rosey glsaess in your New Comers packet at the Charlotte Observer. The Packet has a road map , real essential around Charlotte, but jest member ” Charlotte is like a wagon wheel wit spokes” all roads lead into downtown regardless. The New comers packet comes with a aspirins, Babaque shacks in Shelby,N.C. and Lexinton, NC a box a TOOTH Picks , that looks cool when your drivin . Get a twang book , thats all the Southern slang terms; git yourself a plastic Jesus for your dash that helps with the Bible thumpers. y’all will see on Sunday not much traffic before 11:oo cuase everyone is at church; And Northerners jest because a women calls you SUGAR, HONEY , SWEETy , she dont want to marry y’all thats jest the way thing are down here . So dont get your hopes real high that y’all goin to the RALIEGh together AHAHA .