Wampire – The Hearse
Wampire – The Hearse
Når pladeselskaber sender mig musik, er det som regel noget uvedkommende og uinteressant. Der er dog nogle som godt ved hvilken slags musik jeg godt kan lide. Et af dem er det amerikanske label Polyvinyl Records. De sendte mig forleden dette stykke musik med Wampire. Jeg kendte dem ikke og en hurtig søgning på internettet bevidner heller ikke om en stor karriere indenfor musikken. Men det kan være det ændre sig med The Hearse som er rimelig solid.
On her way to work, Evangeline passed by an older man on the side of the road, who was trdinugg along with a gas-can. She sighed, and felt a bit guilty for moving on. But she didn’t trust men, so she kept going.Then she saw a boy, looking forlorn and a bit lost, also clutching a red can. Well, that’s odd,’ she thought. But she didn’t like kids, and didn’t know this one, and so kept going.Next was a young, thin woman. She strode along the side of the road, not even looking at the passing cars, petrol can in hand. A good looker like that, she won’t be waiting long for help, she doesn’t need me. Probably think I’m a lesbo if I stop to help, too.’ What the hell?’ A man was standing next to a green hearse, thumb out, gas-can by his cheap shoes. Okay, that’s three too many. I’ll help this one. At least he’ll be interesting.’ She pulled up and cracked the door to shout back at the hearse-driver. Hey there! Need a lift? Come on, hop in. Just don’t spill any of that in my car, please. Hey, I gotta ask, just where do you keep a spare jerry-can in a hearse? I bet bodies smelling of petrol aren’t too popular. Though it might be an improvement over the reek of Chrysanthemums. She grinned. This could be fun.(Evangeline is a character from a book I’m about 50k pages into myself)